2013年11月22日 星期五

傳承傳統文化 沈陽數十師生被抓















採訪編輯/田淨 後制/ 蕭宇

Teachers Arrested For Teaching Traditional Chinese Culture

A group of well-respected teachers are running 
a school which teaches students behavior and 
character through traditional Chinese culture.

Their students made a shift from being addicted 
to online games and fighting, towards returning 
to kind-heartedness, and having good manners. 

However, these teachers and students from Shenyang 
Xiongshi Contemporary Art and Design School" were 
followed, arrested and threatened by local authorities.

Why did this happen? Let's see our report.

Her name is Zhao Yanan. Zhao is 16 years old, and 
is a student of traditional culture class in Shenyang 
Xiongshi Contemporary Art and Design School.

It was reported that Shenyang Public Security Bureau 
illegally took Zhao Yanan from school on October 23. 
Zhao is a minor, and was taken during midnight 
hours, because she practices Falun Gong. 
On the afternoon of October 31, Zhao Yanan was illegally 
brought to trial, and carried back by three people at midnight.
Zhao kept saying that she was scared.

At that time, more than 20 teachers and students 
of traditional culture class were arrested together.

Teacher Fan, traditional culture class, Shenyang 
Xiongshi Contemporary Art and Design School: 
"There were more than 20 people arrested. 
This number is just the students and teachers. There were 
more than 10 teachers arrested, and some parents too.
Principal Guo's daughter was also 
arrested, and she is only five years old."

On October 24, the police installed cameras and 
informants around the campus to monitor students. 
The police from the 610 Office, which is a getapo-like agency 
that exists to persecute Falun Gong, forced students to 
watch brainwashing videos, and to renounce Falun Gong. 

Police arrested a large number of 
parents by tracking their children.

On October 27, more plain clothes 
policemen entered the school. 
More than 200 students who were taking traditional 
culture class in Xiongshi Contemporary Art and 
Design School were forced to leave the school. 

According to reports, Shenyang city in the Liaoning 
Province specifically set up two task forces, to 
investigate and arrest students and teachers.

Teacher Fan: "We have more than 
100 children in the first semester.
They are all kids of Falun Gong practitioners, 
and were expelled by the local school. 
Some kids' parents were killed, and 
some have lost their father or mother."

The traditional culture class was founded in 2010.

In 2011, the class jointly established a school 
with Xiongshi Contemporary Art and Design School.
The school teachers are Falun Gong practitioners.

They use traditional culture to educate students, including 
correct posture, walking, and of answering questions.
They teach students traditional 
behavior, guiding them to the right path.

Teacher Fan: "We have a 12 years old 
girl student, and she went to the dining hall.
She was knocked into the air by an older student. 
When she fell on the ground, her head hit the floor.
I saw it from a distance, and ran to her to lift her up.
She cried with her hands on her head, saying, 'teacher, 
you shouldn't be late to your class because of me.'
Other teachers heard what she 
said, and they were moved to tears."

In two and a half years, the traditional 
culture class increased to 200 students.
It brought in new energy and life to Xiongshi School. 

Previously, the school found it hard to 
new students and almost closed down.
Xiongshi School was rewarded as a star 
school, and praised by the education bureau. 

Now the traditional culture class was ordered to close.

Some students were forced to leave, 
and some will merge into other classes.
Sources say that police and Domestic Security 
Division in Shenyang had investigated the 
traditional culture class on many occasions. 

In the summer of 2013, they investigated students' families.

On August 21, the school received notice 
that they can continue the enrollment. 
Within two months, why did the police change 
suddenly, arresting teachers and students?

Teacher Li, Xiongshi School, traditional culture class: 
"We teach traditional culture and were very righteous.
In August 2012, when the teachers were arrested, the police 
also questioned the students, particularly younger students. 
The students were very polite, bowed 
to them first and greeted the police.
This had a good impact on the 
police, and they were surprised.
They know we are very successful.

However, under Chinese Communist rule, the regime 
doesn't care if it's successful or not, and just banned it."

After the incident, Liaoning Educational Bureau requested
the students and their parents to sign a statement against 
Falun Gong using traditional culture to educate students.

Minghui.org questioned what crimes the 
teachers and their families committed?
According to law, why didn't the CCP recognize that 
citizens should have freedom of expression and belief?
If so, who has violated the universal values? 
Who is cheating and damaging the students?

Interview & Edit/Tianjing Post-Production/XiaoYu
